If you’ve spent much time browsing dock ladders, you’ve noticed that you have lots of options. Choosing the right one is vital for having fun on the water. Then, the question is: How do you select one? Follow some tips to help you choose the best dock ladder for the boating season. Then, you’ll be ready to enjoy the water this spring and summer.
Consider the Materials
You should start by thinking about the materials when choosing a dock ladder. It’s important to choose a dock ladder made of durable material. It needs to be weather-resistant and strong enough to stand up to marine life. Aluminum and polyethylene both stand out in this regard. You can expect these materials to hold their own against marine life and water, so your ladder will stay in great shape from season to season. If you don’t want to buy a new dock ladder each boating season, this is vital.
Think About the People Using the Dock Ladder
You also need to think about who will use the ladder before buying one. If kids or older adults will use the ladder, consider something with extra-wide footing to help them maintain their balance. Then, they can get in and out with ease.
What about your dog? Do you want your furry friend to use a ladder to get in and out of the water? If so, consider a ladder with a gradual incline. The incline makes it easy for pets to get in and out of the water.
Weight capacity should also be a consideration. You don’t want to put too much stress on your ladder, so get one with a high weight capacity if needed. You can find ladders that can accommodate 500 pounds or more, so keep that in mind when looking for a dock ladder.
Do You Want the Ladder to Stay in or Out of the Water?
You also have to consider if you want your dock ladder to stay in or out of the water when not in use. Stationary ladders are fixed in place, so they stay submerged once they are attached to the dock. You don’t need to do anything special when the ladder isn’t in use.
Lifting ladders and flip-up and swing ladders can be removed when they aren’t in use. When you’re done, you just remove the bottom half of the ladder from the water so it isn’t submerged. Then, when you’re ready to use your ladder, you just put it in the water again. These ladders are designed to make the process as simple as possible, so you won’t have any trouble moving the ladder in and out of the water.
All three are excellent options for a dock ladder. It’s a matter of personal preference. Once you decide which one you want, you can browse the available options and find a ladder.
Look for Accessories
When choosing a dock ladder, think about the accessories you’ll need as well. You might need accessories such as LED lights, bumpers, and more. You can find dock ladder packages that include accessories, so you can get everything you need at once. Buying a ladder and accessory package can help you save money as well, making it a great option for most boaters.
Think About the Installation
You also need to consider the installation when choosing a dock ladder. Unless you want to hire someone to install it for you, you need to choose something relatively easy to install. Fortunately, you can find easy-to-install options for all the ladder types.
Dock ladders that are easy to install are also easy to remove. That means you can remove your ladder during the off-season without any problems. You won’t have to call someone to help you out. You can do it yourself and then re-install it when it’s time to hit the water again.
Find the Ideal Dock Ladder
Tommy Docks has a full range of dock ladders. Browse stationery dock ladders, lifting dock ladders, and flip-up and swing dock ladders with various features. The ladders are made of heavy-duty materials and are easy to install. You can also find ladder and accessory packages, so you can get everything you need with a single purchase.
Browse through the ladders online or contact Tommy Docks for help. Tommy Docks will walk you through the ladder-buying process to ensure you get the best one for your dock. Then, you can easily install your dock ladder and enjoy the best boating season yet.